One year ago today, my life took a turn. Actually it wasn’t really a turn, but more
like an earthquake, or even a tornado.
My life changed drastically, and life as I had known it ceased to exist.
One year ago today I was placed in handcuffs and escorted to
the Walton County jail where I spent a humiliating and humbling night, and came
out a different person from the one I was the day before.
For the next few months I wandered through a dark tunnel,
not knowing what my future would be, or if I would ever exit the tunnel
intact. During these months, the
blinders were removed from my eyes, my trust and faith in the person I loved
was destroyed, and I was stripped down to my core. When I was able to sleep, my dreams were
nightmares, most carrying an entrapment theme. I would wake up terrified and
disoriented. I didn’t know who I was or
how I had landed in this dark, dark place.
I spent many hours writing in a
personal journal, berating myself for my weakness, and generally wishing I
could just fall into a hole somewhere and disappear. I was on a journey I didn’t want to be on,
and I saw no way to exit off of this particular highway.
As the months passed, small gifts came my way, enabling me
to grab hold to the sides of the tunnel and begin walking toward the pinpoint
of light I thought I could see in the distance.
I got a wonderful job, which took me out of my house every day and
enabled me to concentrate on something other than myself. Friends and family
began praying for me, encouraging me to get out of my situation, and cheering
me on to take a step I was afraid to take.
In a moment of crisis in June, I knew I had to take the leap
and leave the environment I was living in and escape to a new and yet-unknown
future. Again, with the support of
friends and family, I stepped off the ledge, amazed to find a bridge beneath my
feet leading me to a new life.
It has been a horrible year.
I would never wish what I have been through on anyone, and I often find
myself shaking my head realizing that all of this really happened to me. I wasn’t the person I thought I was, and I
let myself be drawn into something that I never in my wildest dreams would have
ever conceived of on my own or even thought about as something I’d like to be a
part of. I was weak, naïve, trusting,
and ignorant- none of which were good excuses for the predicament where I found
It has also been a wonderful year. I have been surprised by grace, encouraged by
the love of friends, both old and new, propped up by my family, and
strengthened by a faith that has grown by leaps and bounds as I have made
discoveries of grace gifts placed on my life path at critical places, designed
to help me and lead me forward. My life
today is rich and full, and I am thankful.
My nightmare isn’t over yet – it could drag on for several
months to several years. But I have
embraced my new normal, put down roots into solid ground, and have chosen not
to pay attention to the bad dreams. I am
living each day with a thankful spirit, and am determined to make my life one
of paying it forward as a way of thanking all those who unselfishly poured out their love and support for me during this year.
Tomorrow begins another year for me. I am a different person, I hope a better
person, and a person closely attuned to God’s voice in my life. I have
wandered through the tunnel, and have found the sunshine once again.
Happy New Year to me!