Actually, things aren’t as bad as they appear in the photo. This is my work desk at home. Right now it is very cluttered, but it won’t stay this way for long. It may get worse before the day is over! I’ve learned how to pile things up and make great stacks, and surprisingly enough, I am actually very productive at my little workstation at home. But once I close up shop at about 3:30 this afternoon, it will be neat and orderly, I’ll have a good feeling of all I’ve accomplished, and I’ll be ready for the week-end and then a brand new week.
All of this is to make a point (I think). I actually feel like I am making progress on uncluttering my life, although my desk isn't evidence of it. I am learning how to let go of both material clutter and the mental kind that keeps my brain in high gear in the middle of the night. I’ve learned some techniques for calming my spirit and quieting that inner voice in my head that yells so loudly at me telling me what I should have said or should have done while loving to replay past events on the inside of my eyelids for my amusement when I am in desperate need of sleep.
I’ve also begun work on cleaning out my closet and dresser drawers. Last week-end I attacked my lingerie drawer. I found panties in there that I’d had since my first marriage, which ended 16 years ago. Yeow!! Why I was keeping them, I don’t know. Out they went, along with a thousand pairs of pantie hose and knee high stockings from who knows when. Some of these stockings have found new life in my garden as tomato ties, and my old cotton panties are now in Phil’s shop posing as staining cloths. What was wonderful about this uncluttering task was the surprise I found at the bottom of the drawer after I had emptied it completely- a favorite pair of earrings I lost last year. I thought I had left them in a hotel and that they were gone forever! How they got into the bottom of that drawer, I don’t have a clue. Certainly wasn't one of three logical places!
I think it was the gremlin who takes my to-do lists and hides them.