Friday, December 26, 2008

Twas the Day After Christmas

It’s over for another year. I’ve already begun putting away the evidence of the holiday, starting with wrapping paper, ribbons, and gift bags that can be used another year. The tree is still up, but I keep looking at it, thinking it will be the next thing that I concentrate on. It’s been up since Thanksgiving, and I am ready for that section of my living room to return to the way it was. I miss my bookshelf table where I keep all of my children’s books. It was pushed into the bedroom to make space for the tree. I want it back where it belongs!

My mother had a tradition that everything from Christmas had to be out of sight before New Year’s Day. She said that the Baby New Year would have his own Christmas, and he didn’t want to see anything from the old year. I think it was Mama’s way of saying the same thing I am thinking this morning. Let’s get back to normal! Sounds like a pretty good tradition to me.

I have a coupon in my purse that was given to me on Christmas Eve when I was shopping at Kohl’s as a way to entice me to do some after-Christmas shopping. It is quietly beckoning to me, and I guess I’m going to follow my urge to get out into the fray one more time to see if I can find something I really need at a bargain price. I can’t think of a thing that I need, but the $10 off coupon keeps whispering to me to return to Kohl’s.

This was Rocky’s first Christmas, and he was totally absorbed in the gift bags, wrapping paper, and stockings. Tom and Diamond were ho-hum unimpressed with the morning’s festivities, but I think they’ll admit that they like the treats that Santa left for them. Phil and I had a delightful morning, and both of us were successful in surprising the other with the gifts that we gave. The afternoon was spent watching the first season of “Deadwood”, a gift to Phil from Jeremy. We still have two seasons left to watch, so this gift is one that will keep on giving for quite awhile. After our Christmas dinner of pot roast, we settled in for a quiet evening and an early bedtime.

This has been a wonderful Christmas! Beginning with Cookie Baking Day and continuing on through our trip to Indianapolis and Louisville, and finally ending in a few quiet days at home prior to the holiday, it was near perfect. The only thing I missed was being with Wade this year. I hope that by next year, he’ll be settled in a good job and we’ll be able to get together sometime during the holidays.

Now I must begin thinking about New Year’s resolutions. Wonder what they will be.

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