Thursday, September 25, 2008

No Gasoline!

The part of Georgia where I live is in a panic. There’s not enough gasoline to go around!

I found myself contributing to the panic this week, as I searched for a station that had gas to put into my car. I was running on fumes and had to find some fuel in order to get home. Finally! I spotted a station with a few cars at the pumps, and pulled in. The man pumping gas into his truck nearby informed me that the owner of this station was accepting cash only. I had $10 in my wallet, so I bought a couple of gallons of gas. This got me by until yesterday, when I finally found a station that had only Plus and Supreme gasoline. I decided my little Honda would like Plus, so I began filling up. The pump stopped at $25 – the limit the station had set for fill-ups. At $4.39 per gallon, it wasn’t much, but it eased my anxiety somewhat. The worker at the counter told me that he doesn’t know when he’ll be getting a supply of gasoline.

I am working at home today and tomorrow, and perhaps days into next week if the gasoline trucks don’t make it out our way. I’m going to check our local stations here in Social Circle to see what their status is. Since I have to drive 50 miles each day to get to the bus that takes me to my job, I am very thankful that I have the ability to telework.

Besides the rush to the gas stations that have gasoline, at least for a short period of time, there is also the commuter bus to contend with. Everyone wants to ride, and nobody wants to stand. Yesterday morning I got to the park ‘n’ ride twenty minutes early, and there was already a long line of very disgruntled and angry people waiting for the bus. People who are ordinarily cordial had scowls on their faces and looked like they were ready to attack the world as well as the person in front of them in line. I don’t understand it. Being angry doesn’t change a thing. Times are tough right now, and from the looks of things, they could get worse before they get better. It doesn’t help matters at all for us to be ill-tempered toward our neighbor. I guess fear brings out more frowns than it does smiles.

Like I said, I’m working at home now, and glad of it!

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