Monday, January 26, 2009

Family Genes

Several years ago, I went into a drugstore in Greensboro, Georgia, to get a prescription filled for my dad. Before I could even hand the pharmacist the prescription, he looked at me and said, “You must be Henry Campbell’s daughter.” I always knew I looked more like my dad than my mom, but this was the first time anyone had nailed me cold as to my identity.

This past week-end, I was with my other look-alike, my brother, Grady. We are even more alike than my dad and I. I get a kick out of people looking at us when we go into a restaurant or store together, doing a double-take, and then making a comment about the family resemblance. It’s too bad they couldn’t see my son, Wade, as well, because he is more like Grady than I am. Wade and Grady have the same smile, the same facial expressions, and the same voice. It’s eerie. With me being a girl, my brother and I are alike in a male – female sort of way. When I look into a mirror and pull my hair back away from my face, I see my brother in my reflection, and know that there is a family bond.

All of us Campbell kids are alike in one way or another. My brother, Bob, is more like Mama’s side of the family than any of us. He reminds me very much of my Uncle John Hendrick. My sister, Molly, is a wonderful combination of both parents. Sometimes she looks just like the Campbells, but as she is growing older, I see our mother in her face more and more. Grady and me - well, it seems that we were formed from a very similar mold and there’s no mistaking that we are kin.

It’s lots of fun to watch people’s faces when we enter a room together!
(Jennie, Molly, Grady, Bob- click on photo for full view)

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